We often hear about celebrities having certain requirements for their concerts. Some might not want people recording or taking pictures during their performances. However, Doja Cat recently stirred up controversy when she took to social media to express her frustration with parents bringing their children to her shows.

The 28-year-old rapper didn’t hold back, posting multiple times and using language that some found offensive. She made it clear that her music was not intended for youngsters and criticized parents for bringing their kids along. In one tweet, Doja Cat even questioned why parents would bring their offspring to a show where she raps about explicit subjects.

While it’s unclear if Doja Cat was referring to a specific incident or addressing all her fans, it’s understandable that her performances are not meant to be family-friendly. Many people who attended her shows with young children have expressed disappointment and even filed complaints.

Doja Cat wants to make it clear that she doesn’t hate her fans. She clarified, “One thing I do wanna set straight is: You’ll never see a direct quote of me saying I hate my fans. Not once.” She also believes she doesn’t owe anyone an explanation for her sense of humor. She knows she can’t please everyone, and there’s nothing she can do about it.

Of course, people had plenty to say about this issue. Some criticized parents for making poor choices, while others questioned her use of the word “mistake” when referring to children. Some fans playfully suggested that they thought she made gospel songs. Ultimately, everyone had an opinion they wanted to share.

In the end, Doja Cat’s message is loud and clear: her shows are not suitable for young children, and parents should leave them at home. While her direct and unfiltered delivery may have offended some, it’s important to respect an artist’s intended audience and understand their creative choices.