In a shocking revelation, it has been alleged that Dolph Lundgren delivered several powerful blows to Sylvester Stallone during the filming of the iconic movie “Rocky IV”. Stallone himself confessed in a production documentary on his YouTube site that he was “pulverized” by Lundgren. Little did Stallone know that this would lead to him needing medical attention.

Describing the aftermath of the intense scenes, Stallone likened the discomfort he experienced to the feeling of having your chest pushed into a steering wheel after a car accident. The pain became so severe that Stallone’s blood pressure skyrocketed to 260, prompting concerns for his health. Stallone humorously mentioned that it even gave the impression that he could start “communicating with angels”.

To receive the necessary medical care, Stallone was transported from Canada to the intensive care unit at St. John’s Hospital in Santa Monica, California. He recollects amusingly that nuns were the only other people he encountered during his stay in the intensive care. Despite the ordeal, Stallone, the true professional that he is, returned to the arena to finish the battle.

One might wonder how such a significant event could be excluded from the final cut of “Rocky IV”. Stallone himself raises this question, stating, “How on earth could you possibly exclude that?”

“Rocky IV” sees Sylvester Stallone reprising his role as the heroic fighter Rocky Balboa. In this installment of the acclaimed “Rocky” series, Balboa rushes to the Soviet Union to avenge the death of his friend, Apollo Creed, who was killed by Lundgren’s character, Ivan Drago. Drago had already established himself as the world boxing champion, making the fight all the more intense.