Don Johnson, the heartthrob known for his role in the iconic 1980s police drama “Miami Vice,” has come a long way in his personal life. At 73 years old, he now finds happiness in his family and cherishes every moment spent with them.

Before meeting his current wife, Don’s life revolved around material possessions. He had cars, boats, and a ranch, but despite having it all, he felt miserable. Don had previously been married to actress Melanie Griffith, but their relationships ended in failure. He was searching for happiness in all the wrong places until a chance encounter changed everything.

At a party celebrating the birthday of the mayor of San Francisco, Don laid eyes on Kelley Phleger, a teacher and socialite. He was captivated by her beauty and knew he wanted to marry her. Don took the opportunity to introduce himself, and over the next few months, they grew closer. Eventually, he proposed to Kelley, and they tied the knot.

With Kelley, Don found a newfound sense of happiness and decided to let go of his old vices. He sold most of his belongings and embraced a new way of life. Reflecting on this transformative decision, Don said, “I had a rare moment of clarity and asked this woman to marry me.”

The couple went on to have three children together – Grace, Jasper, and Deacon. Grace, their oldest, has made a name for herself as a model, signing with the prestigious agency IMG and making her runway debut in 2019. Don couldn’t be prouder of his daughter’s success, as he regularly shares her achievements on social media.

In addition to his children with Kelley, Don also has two other children from previous relationships. Dakota Johnson, his daughter with Melanie Griffith, has become a successful actress in her own right. Don jokes about Dakota’s independence, as she only calls him to cancel plans due to her busy schedule. He also has a son named Jesse Johnson with actress Patti D’Arbanville, who is following in his father’s footsteps.

Don and Kelley’s relationship is a strong and loving one. Family time is a priority for them, and they cherish every moment spent together. Don often shares glimpses of their family life on social media, showcasing their bond and love for one another. He is truly a doting father and husband.

Don Johnson’s journey from a vice-filled life to a fulfilling family man is a testament to the power of love and finding happiness in the right places. At 73, he continues to embrace the joy of family, and his transformation is an inspiration to us all.