With the World experiencing soaring temperatures and one of the hottest days of the year upon us, it’s time to shed those extra layers and opt for something more comfortable. And that includes our footwear. But here’s a friendly warning: driving in flip-flops could cost you a hefty fine of up to £5,000 this summer!

Driving in flip-flops could see you fined up to £5,000 this summer

According to the Highway Code, driving with footwear that hinders your ability to use the vehicle’s controls properly is considered an offense. If a police officer deems your choice of footwear inappropriate, you could be charged with a “Driving Without Due Care and Attention” offense, which comes with a fixed fine of £100 and three points on your license. But it doesn’t end there. In severe cases, you could face a fine of up to £5,000 and even be disqualified from driving altogether!

So, before you hop in the car, make sure your driving shoes meet the following criteria:

Be sure to leave the flip-flops at home when you nip out in the car this summer. (Getty Images)
  • The sole should be no thicker than 10mm.
  • It should provide enough grip to prevent your foot from slipping off the pedals.
  • The footwear should not limit your ankle movement.
  • It should not be too heavy or restrict your ability to control the pedals properly.
  • And most importantly, it should be narrow enough to avoid accidentally depressing two pedals at once.

Apart from the legal consequences, driving in flip-flops is also highly dangerous. They can easily slip off, get caught between your feet and the pedals, and even affect your ability to brake, especially if your feet are wet. This poses a risk not just to you but also to your passengers and other road users.

While there’s no specific law against wearing flip-flops while driving, it’s just not a clever idea. In case of an accident, it could be argued that your choice of footwear contributed to the incident, potentially leading to more serious charges like driving without due care and attention or not having control of the vehicle. It’s important to remember that as a driver, you have a responsibility to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.

So, this summer, leave the flip-flops at home and opt for more appropriate footwear before hitting the road. Stay safe and enjoy your drive!