Two elderly men were having a conversation, expressing their frustrations with modern technology. One of them complained about constantly forgetting his passwords. The other man responded with a smile, saying, “Oh really? I can never forget mine!” Curious, the first man asked how he managed to remember all his passwords.

The second man chuckled and explained his clever strategy. “I simply set all my passwords to ‘Incorrect’,” he said. “That way, whenever I’m told that my password is incorrect, I’ll remember what it actually is!”

Once upon a time, a blonde woman found herself lost near a river. She searched up and down the riverbank, desperately seeking a way to cross. Unfortunately, she couldn’t find a bridge or any other means of getting to the other side.

Then, as if by some stroke of luck, she spotted another blonde woman on the opposite bank of the river. Excitedly, she called out to her, “How can I get to the other side of the river?”

To her surprise, the other blonde replied, “What for? You are already on the other side of the river!”