Children are full of energy and love to play. So, it’s no surprise that recess is often their favorite subject in school. But did you know that giving adults some playtime can also have great benefits?

Experts recommend that adults get up and move around a little bit every day, especially if they spend long hours sitting at a desk. It helps to maintain a balance between work and play and can actually improve productivity. This idea was put to the test in a unique experiment at an elementary school in Texas.

Researchers, including Dr. Bob Murray from Ohio University, have found that regular breaks are crucial for children’s attention and learning. With this in mind, Eagle Mountain Elementary School in Fort Worth, Texas decided to give their students more recess time during the 2015-2016 school year. Kindergarten and first-grade students were given two 15-minute breaks in the morning and two more in the afternoon.

The results were astounding. Not only did the children have the opportunity to socialize and work on important skills like teamwork and empathy during their breaks, but they also became more focused and disciplined when they returned to the classroom. Teachers noticed that problem-solving became easier, and there were fewer behavioral issues overall.

This successful experiment has led the school to implement the extended recess schedule for students in every grade. The inspiration for this approach came from a visit to schools in Finland, which consistently rank among the top educational systems in the world. Debbie Rhea, another professor involved in the study, observed the Finnish model and decided to incorporate some of its principles at Eagle Mountain Elementary School.

By providing students with regular breaks, or what she calls “reboots,” Rhea believes that children are given the opportunity to function at their best level. And it seems to be working!

So, the next time you think recess is just for kids, remember that a little playtime can benefit adults too. Whether it’s taking a walk, playing a game, or simply moving around, giving yourself a break can recharge your mind and enhance your productivity.