Elliot Costello had a life-changing encounter with a little girl named Thea during his travels in Cambodia. This meeting ignited a fire within him, inspiring him to launch a powerful campaign to fight against the sexual abuse of minors.

Thea had a charming habit of painting her nails every single day. During one of their conversations, she asked Elliot to let her paint one of his nails. He gladly agreed, enjoying the lively conversation with the little girl. However, he later discovered that she had been a victim of sexual assault.

Moved by this heart-wrenching revelation, Elliot made a promise to keep that one painted nail as a permanent reminder of Thea and her suffering. This experience led him to take action and work towards changing men’s attitudes, with the aim of reducing the number of children who fall victim to sexual abuse.

Thus, the #PolishedMan movement was born. Men from all walks of life now join forces by painting one of their nails. This single painted nail represents the one in five children who will experience sexual assault. Through this simple act, the Polished Man movement strives to end sexual violence against children.

According to Elliot, it is crucial for men to take the lead in challenging violent behavior and language, both locally and globally. After all, men are responsible for a staggering 96% of this kind of violence against children worldwide. It is time for men to become the driving force behind reform in order to protect vulnerable children.

The painted nail serves as a catalyst for discussions about the prevalence of child abuse and inspires the development of new preventive strategies. It is a visual reminder of the problem that demands our attention. Furthermore, Elliot urges people to make donations to support educational programs and resources for child survivors of abuse.

We hope that more men, including influential figures, will lend their support to this important cause. Let us all stand together against the abuse of defenseless children.