Everyone has an opinion, but sometimes we forget that it’s best kept to ourselves. A 76-year-old style influencer recently shared a photo of herself modeling a sleeveless midi dress, and while the post received a flood of comments, they weren’t all positive.

“It’s not the first time this has happened, but this one surprised me,” Candace Cima told TODAY. “People have such outdated notions about age-appropriate fashion, and that needs to change.”

Cima, a grandmother to 11 grandchildren, confidently showcased a brown knit sleeveless dress paired with a stylish sweater. However, not all the comments were supportive.

Critics claimed that the dress did nothing for her body, with one person stating that the form-fitting style below the waist was not flattering. Another expressed a dislike for the dress when worn alone, and one daring commenter even suggested that showing skin at her age was inappropriate.

“It’s perfectly acceptable to have wrinkled skin at 76, and I’m not ashamed of it,” Cima responded. “Should I cover my face too, just because I have wrinkles there?”

Cima, who started her fashion blog in 2019, noticed a need for older women to be represented in the fashion space.

“I saw an opportunity to talk about how to dress as you get older. Women have been conditioned to think they need to cover up because that’s what their mothers and grandmothers did,” she explained.

“It’s time to shift our thinking about age. We don’t need to adhere to these old ideas in a modern world.”

Despite the countless rude remarks, Cima paid them little attention and instead offered advice to her newest and younger followers.

“Aging is a beautiful journey. You’ve accumulated a lifetime of wisdom. Embrace it and be proud of who you are.”