Mom of rare Down syndrome twins shows how beautiful and precious they are to silence critics

Have you ever marveled at the wonder of twins? That sense of awe is even greater when twins have Down syndrome, which makes it all the more extraordinary. Meet Savannah Combs, a proud mother to adorable twin girls, Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman, who both have Down syndrome.

Breaking Free from Stereotypes

Savannah’s journey began with the exciting news of expecting twins. However, her joy soon turned to worry when she discovered that her babies had Down syndrome, a condition that is not commonly associated with twins. Despite knowing that some people would judge them, Savannah and her husband, Justin Ackerman, wholeheartedly embraced their little gems.

“It’s very rare what they have, but they’ve been my little gems,” Savannah shared with a smile.

Choosing Love Over Judgment

In the face of adversity, Savannah decided to share her story on TikTok, documenting her postpartum journey with her beautiful daughters. The response was overwhelming, with people pouring in their support and love for the family. But amidst the positivity, there were also cruel remarks from some individuals who suggested she should have aborted her babies.

Savannah stood firm in her decision to give her children a chance at life. “Every prenatal appointment they were alive was a blessing to me,” she explained.

Overcoming Challenges with Strength

Due to their early arrival, Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman spent their first few weeks in the NICU. But their resilience shone through, and they thrived under the loving care of their parents. These “mono di twins” not only share their own sacs but also the same placenta, making their journey all the more unique. With the addition of Down syndrome, their story becomes truly one in 2 million.

“They are just like any other youngster,” Savannah proudly proclaimed. “They have feelings. They have a beating heart. They know how to talk. They know how to do things you do. They will get there.”

Celebrating Milestones and Spreading Love

Savannah continues to provide delightful updates on TikTok as her daughters reach new milestones. With each accomplishment, she reminds her followers that her girls are no different from anyone else. They may take a step longer to achieve certain things, but their determination and happiness shine through.

However, amidst all the love and support, there will always be individuals who feel the need to criticize. Savannah, being the strong mother she is, responded to the negativity with grace and strength. She recognized the importance of being the right parents for her girls, regardless of what others may say.

“These gorgeous girls are priceless and kind,” Savannah declared. “Anyone who asserts the contrary is just being cruel.”

Let’s join Savannah in spreading the word about this heartwarming tale of love and acceptance. Share their story on Facebook and let’s celebrate the beauty of these rare Down syndrome twins together.