Living in a crowded and fast-paced world can be challenging for visually impaired people, especially when it comes to mobility. However, thanks to technological advancements, their lives are now significantly improved. In this regard, a cutting-edge solution offered by an Austrian-based company called Tech-Innovation has emerged to alleviate these difficulties.

Introducing InnoMake: Shoes for a Safer Journey

Tech-Innovation has developed a groundbreaking product called InnoMake—shoes equipped with built-in sensors that cater to the needs of visually impaired individuals. These sensors utilize vibration or sound to alert users when obstacles are detected.

Discover the Features of InnoMake

The InnoMake shoes feature sensors that react to obstacles within a maximum range of four meters and a minimum distance of half a meter. These sensors are seamlessly integrated into a special slot within the shoes. With a rechargeable battery that lasts up to a week, users can enjoy extended usage before needing to recharge; a process that takes just three hours to complete.

Harness the Power of Customization with the InnoMake App

Accompanying the shoes is a user-friendly app available at no additional cost. This app allows users to personalize various settings, including the distance at which they wish to be alerted when approaching objects. With the freedom to tailor the experience to their preferences, visually impaired individuals can navigate their surroundings with greater confidence and ease.

Adapting to Weather Conditions and User Activity

Even in rainy or snowy weather, InnoMake has considered all possibilities. The sensors are water-resistant, ensuring optimal performance regardless of the weather conditions. Additionally, users can enable the intelligent mode, where the sensors automatically deactivate when they are seated and reactivate upon detecting movement.

Try Before You Buy

In Austria, several shops offer the opportunity for users to try on the InnoMake shoes before making a purchase. This firsthand experience allows individuals to ensure the perfect fit and discover the exceptional benefits of this innovative solution.

With InnoMake, visually impaired individuals embark on a safer and more independent journey. Through cutting-edge technology, these shoes enable improved mobility and enrich the lives of those facing visual challenges.