You know those neighbors who act like the unofficial mayors of the block, ready to enforce their own twisted rulebook at any moment? There’s always one who takes offense to the most ridiculous things—like the color of your lawn gnome or the way you park your car. But what happens when an innocent black cat, named Lucifer, somehow becomes the villain haunting one woman day after day? Some folks just can’t help but stir up trouble over something as harmless as a cute furball.

This is what one Redditor went through soon after moving into a new neighborhood with a boyfriend and evil-looking black cat in tow.

Christian woman demands her neighbors change their evil-looking black cat’s name, Lucifer, as it’s offensive and racist

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Image credits: Abstral Official / unsplash (not the actual photo)

Soon after moving into a new home, the poster met the neighbor who said her daughter’s name is Lucy, just as the cat’s owners lovingly call him, demanding they change his name

The OP (original poster) moved into a new apartment with her boyfriend and little black furball, Lucifer. Now, don’t let the name fool you—this little guy is more snuggles than satanic rituals. They also call him Lucy or Lulu, and he’s basically a mini-panther who’s obsessed with chin scratches.

However, not everyone felt the same way. A few neighbors stopped by the couple’s home to welcome them, and during the chit-chat, it slipped out that one of them had a 7-year-old daughter named, you guessed it, Lucy.

Fast forward a few days, and out of nowhere, the girl’s mom, who hadn’t even said “hi” before, stormed over and demanded they change their cat’s name. Why? Because apparently, it was offensive to her Christian faith for her daughter to share a nickname with a cat named after the Prince of Darkness.

The woman insisted the neighbors change the pet’s name as she doesn’t want her daughter to share a nickname with the cat, as it’s offensive and racist

But wait, there’s more! She even tossed in a wild accusation of racism, claiming that since both the cat and her daughter are black, the whole situation is somehow discriminatory.

The OP kept their cool and politely explained that they’re not renaming their cat just because someone got their knickers in a twist. The cat’s name was picked long before they moved in, and since Lucifer is an indoor cat, it’s not like the whole block will hear them calling him anyway.

But the neighbor wasn’t about to let logic ruin her outrage. She doubled down, getting even more riled up when her demand wasn’t met with instant compliance. The OP’s boyfriend tried to keep the peace by suggesting they pretend to change the name, but the OP wasn’t having it. Why feed into that level of entitlement?

The poster refuses to change the cat’s name, Lucifer, just because the woman was offended by it, saying the cat was named prior to them moving into the new home

You’ve got to “love” dealing with entitled people—they’ll push and push until someone finally tells them “no.” Some folks genuinely think the world revolves around them, and everyone else should just bend over backward to keep them happy. The key to handling that nonsense? Set boundaries early and stick to them like glue. Giving in only teaches them that throwing a fit works.

Experts explain that it’s very difficult to change someone’s personality, especially if you are trying to make someone feel or act less entitled. However, there are ways to prevent reinforcing this sense of entitlement. “For example, when entitled people make unwarranted demands, it might be better not to give in, because doing so may make them even more certain that their entitlement is justified,” experts suggest.

Image credits: Tima Miroshnichenko / pexels (not the actual photo)

The neighbor eventually stopped her door-knocking crusade, and Lucifer is still lounging around with his devilish name intact. Sure, this fluffball might look a little spooky with his sleek black fur, but he’s just a chill cat living his best life—devilish name and all.

Netizens side with the poster, saying they are not wrong for keeping the cat’s name, as everyone is allowed to name their pets however they want

What do you think of this story? Share your thoughts and funniest neighborhood dramas you’ve experienced in the comments below.