Gardening enthusiasts beware! There is a new threat lurking in your gardens that could wreak havoc on all your hard work. It’s called the Asian jumping worm, and it is an invasive species that has made its way into the United States.

In a viral TikTok video, the user Organic Gardening Companion highlighted the danger of these squirmy worms and urged viewers to get rid of them if spotted. The video showed the worm’s unique thrashing movements as it wriggled across the ground, earning it the name “jumping worm.”

Although these worms may seem harmless at first glance, they pose a significant environmental hazard wherever they reside in the United States. The Asian jumping worm consumes an excessive amount of food and leaves very little for native species. This voracious appetite can strip the soil of nutrients, rendering it useless for other forms of life, including plants and other worms.

These invasive worms live in the soil, meaning they can spread easily if contaminated soil is moved or if they cling onto leaves or footwear. Once they infest an area, such as a home garden or a forest, they can cause catastrophic damage to the local ecosystem.

The alarming TikTok video has garnered strong reactions from viewers who have encountered these worms themselves. One person discovered them under mulch bags in their garden, while another commented on the rapid demise of their flowers, suspecting it was due to these worms.

If you spot the Asian jumping worm in your garden, take immediate action to protect your precious plants and soil. Stay vigilant and be aware of the potential danger hiding in your own backyard!