Do you find yourself using more than three wipes after using the bathroom? You’re not alone. A trained pelvic floor physiotherapist is here to explain why excessive wiping can be a problem and offer some useful tips to help you reduce the number of wipes needed.

In a recent TikTok video posted by BIEN Australia, this expert addresses the issue of faecal smearing, which occurs when too much faecal matter remains at the a*** entrance even after you’ve finished your bowel movement. To combat this issue, the physiotherapist suggests a technique that may help reduce the need for excessive wiping.

She recommends gradually compressing the pelvic floor muscles in a cascade pattern. Start with four controlled squeezes at the end of your bowel movement, gradually increasing the pressure from 20% to 50%, 80%, and finally 100%. This technique aims to close off the anal sphincter, reducing the chances of leftover stool remnants on the a*** entrance. Weakness in the external sphincter can often be the cause of this problem.

Furthermore, the video highlights that variables such as haemorrhoids or scar tissue around the a*** can contribute to the need for excessive wiping. If the suggested technique doesn’t provide relief, it is advisable to seek expert medical guidance for further investigation.

Here are some additional tips provided in the video to help improve your bowel movements and reduce the need for excessive wiping:

  • Squeeze and relax the pelvic floor muscles 5-10 times after each bowel movement.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid constipation and haemorrhoids.

Remember, if these suggestions don’t work for you, it’s always a good idea to consult with a pelvic floor physiotherapist for a thorough assessment.
