The question of when to join the line for boarding an airplane has long been a point of contention among travelers. While gate agents typically provide clear instructions for boarding groups, there are always passengers who either jump the gun and get in line before their group is called or choose to remain seated until the last moment. This dichotomy in passenger behavior has even led to the coining of a humorous term by airline employees:

What Causes Early Line Formation?

Drake Castañeda, a former gate agent and current corporate communications manager at Delta Air Lines, suggests that one possible reason for early line formation is excitement. Travelers, eager to reach their destination, may find it difficult to sit still and are eager to begin the travel experience. Castañeda himself admits that when he’s a passenger, especially on longer flights, he prefers standing to sitting.

However, this seemingly innocent preference for standing in line early can inadvertently disrupt the boarding process. Passengers who queue up prematurely can congest airport walkways, prolong the waiting time for those who have been called, and create general confusion among travelers.

Why Do Passengers Choose to Line Up Early?

The psychology behind this phenomenon reveals two potential explanations: conformity and competition. Shira Gabriel, a psychology professor at the University at Buffalo, explains that people often rely on others as sources of information on proper behavior and observe what everyone else is doing. This leads to a feedback loop where one person’s decision to stand prompts others to follow suit.

Moreover, airline policies have contributed to the incentive for early lining up. Flights are frequently full or overbooked, causing passengers to feel pressured to secure their space as soon as possible. The prospect of gate checking carry-on bags due to purportedly full overhead bins is a prime example. Being the last passenger to board in Group 6 rather than the first in Group 7 can make the difference between keeping your carry-on or being forced to check it.

The Impact of Competition and Uncertainty

Stephen Reicher, a psychology professor at the University of St Andrews, emphasizes that structural issues in the airline industry create uncertainty and competition among passengers. This heightened sense of competition can lead to anxiety and even antagonism. Passengers may be motivated to line up early, even if it means cutting ahead of others, because the potential consequences of not doing so are perceived as more significant.

Reicher points out that when there’s uncertainty, the consequences of not acting competitively seem greater than those of acting competitively without reason. The fear of missing a connecting flight or losing valuable items from carry-on bags can outweigh the social stigma of cutting in line.

The Disadvantages of Early Lining Up

However, it’s important to note that while early lining up may seem rational in the context of these pressures, it does not necessarily expedite the boarding process. In fact, it can have the opposite effect by causing congestion and confusion in the gate area.

Castañeda warns that overcrowding near the gate can slow down the boarding process for passengers who are following the proper sequence. This can be particularly problematic for those who require special assistance, such as wheelchair users, as the crowded space can impede their access.

The Interplay of Psychology, Policies, and Human Behavior

Ultimately, the concepts of conformity and competition are deeply intertwined in human behavior. As a species that relies on collectives for survival, humans naturally look to others for cues on how to behave in various situations. The first few individuals who choose to stand up may be motivated by concerns about their bags or other factors, but their actions serve as a model for others to follow.

In conclusion, the decision of when to get in line for boarding an airplane may appear to be a simple matter of personal preference, but it is influenced by a complex interplay of psychological factors, airline policies, and human social behavior. While early lining up may make sense in certain contexts, it is essential for passengers to be mindful of the potential impact on the boarding process and the comfort of fellow travelers. Airlines, too, can play a role in addressing these issues by implementing policies and procedures that alleviate some of the pressure and uncertainty associated with boarding.