There are instances where we trust doctors with our health, and sometimes we may choose to visit a doctor for personal reasons. However, it is disheartening when this trust is broken. One such case involves a woman who pretended to be a doctor and has now been sentenced to 10 years in prison. Unfortunately, her actions resulted in the death of one patient.

The ‘Toxic Tush Doctor,’ 36-year-old Oneal Ron Morris, administered illegal cosmetic butt injections without the necessary medical license. He was caught after a procedure turned fatal. Recently, a Broward County judge sentenced him for manslaughter following his guilty plea. Prior to this, Morris had already spent a year in prison for practicing healthcare without a license.

Interestingly, Morris, who is transgender, will serve her sentence in a male facility, adding another layer of complexity to the case. During the sentencing, many people who suffered the loss of his patient were present in the courtroom, seeking a harsher punishment for Morris.

The deceased patient, Shatarka Nuby, was 31 years old when she died in 2012 after receiving the cosmetic procedure. Her family described her death as inhumane, and they had hoped for a more severe sentence. According to court records, Nuby had paid $2000 for butt, hip, thigh, and breast enhancements between 2007 and 2010.

After the injections, Nuby noticed discoloration and hardening in the injection sites. Further investigation revealed that Morris used unconventional materials such as rubber cement, superglue, and tire sealant. However, Morris adamantly denied ever injecting any unknown substance into her patients during the trial.

Morris’s attorney argued that the patients were unaware of her lack of medical credentials and that all parties shared the responsibility and blame for their own actions. One victim even had to undergo additional surgery by a licensed physician to correct the damage caused by Morris. This victim was referred to as ‘cement face’ and confessed to feeling too embarrassed to leave her house.

This case emphasizes the importance of ensuring the credentials and qualifications of medical professionals. Trusting our health to someone should never be taken lightly, and it serves as a reminder to be cautious about the decisions we make regarding our well-being.