Once upon a time, there was a wise father who wanted to teach his son a valuable lesson about self-worth. He called his son and handed him a rugged rugby ball – a family heirloom that had been passed down for generations.

“This rugby ball is over a century old,” the father said. “But before I give it to you, I want you to take it to the Sports Shop and see how much they offer you for it.”

Curious, the son followed his father’s instructions and went to the Sports Shop. When he returned, he told his father that the shop offered him a mere $5 for the old ball.

Undeterred, the father told his son to take the ball to the Second-Hand shop. Once again, the son returned disappointed, relaying that they too offered him just $5 for the ball.

The father nodded and calmly said, “Okay, now take the ball to the museum and show it to them.”

Eager to see what the museum would think of the ball, the son quickly went and returned with an astonished expression on his face.

“They offered me $500,000 for this old leather ball!” the son exclaimed.

The father smiled knowingly and said, “I wanted to teach you an important lesson, my son. The right place values you in the right way. Don’t be upset if you are not valued where you are not appreciated. Surround yourself with people who recognize your worth.”

The son nodded, understanding the father’s words of wisdom. From that day forward, he promised himself that he would never stay in a place where his value wasn’t recognized. And as for the valuable rugby ball, it remained a cherished reminder of this important life lesson.