As parents, we often find ourselves frustrated with our children’s refusal to follow the rules. One mother, Estella Havisham, took matters into her own hands and wrote a heartfelt letter to her 13-year-old son, Aaron, addressing his attempt to set his own rules. Little did she know that her letter would go viral, resonating with parents all over the world.

Estella shared her letter on Facebook, thinking it would only be seen by her friends and family. However, her account had a “public” viewing option, causing her message to spread like wildfire. The positive response she received was overwhelming, with people from all corners of the world praising her for standing up to her son’s behavior.

In the letter, Estella expressed her frustration with Aaron trying to act like an adult before his time. To teach him a lesson, she warned him that he would be responsible for his share of the family expenses, such as the food bill, rent, and maid service. She even mentioned that he would have to pay for the items she had bought for him in the past if he wanted to keep them.

The letter outlined the new responsibilities Aaron would have to take on, including emptying the trash, sweeping and vacuuming, keeping his bathroom clean, preparing his own meals, and cleaning up after himself. Estella made it clear that if he failed to fulfill these duties, she would charge him a maid fee. However, she also gave him the option of going back to being her child instead of a roommate, with negotiable terms.

The letter sparked a debate among online commenters. Some praised Estella for her strict parenting style, while others felt she went too far. Regardless of the differing opinions, the letter was shared over 160,000 times and received 85,000 likes on Facebook.

In response to criticism about “shaming” her son online, Estella explained that she never intended for the letter to go public. She believed her account had been compromised when she started receiving friend requests from strangers. By the time she realized the letter had already been seen by many, it was too late to remove it.

The firm stance Estella took in her letter seems to have paid off. She and Aaron have since developed a contract with guidelines that he now follows. It’s clear that her intention was not to be a controlling parent; rather, she wanted to establish rules, expectations, and consequences for her child.

What do you think? Do you believe Estella went too far, or was she simply using her parental authority to set boundaries? Share your thoughts in the comments below and help others by sharing this article if you believe she did a great job as a parent.