Every teen looks forward to their prom night. It’s a big day filled with excitement and anticipation. And for these five young ladies, their prom night became even more memorable as their photo went viral! What was the secret detail that caught everyone’s attention? Let’s find out!

In many countries, high school students are below the legal drinking age. However, that doesn’t stop some of them from trying to find ways to enjoy a drink or two before hitting the dance floor. While it is not permissible to bring alcohol to school functions where children might be present, some innovative students still manage to smuggle in their favorite beverages.

In this photo, we see a senior prom girl who decided to go all out in her mission to have a good time. She came up with a clever plan to conceal an enormous flask under her shirt. How did she do it? Well, she took an extra large silver flask and disguised it as a clutch bag!

At first glance, you might think that the silver clutch she’s holding is just a stylish accessory. But upon closer inspection, you’ll realize that it’s much more than that. This young lady, Eleanor Clarke, knew exactly how to have fun while staying under the radar. She didn’t bother with a regular bag because she wanted something that could hold liquids, and that’s when the idea of using a flask as a clutch bag came to her.

Eleanor’s ingenious method didn’t go unnoticed. She shared her photo and wrote, “Still don’t know how I got away with a huge hip flask as my prom clutch.” Her clever purchase of a $12 flask from Tiger made it all possible. She managed to hide it in plain sight, fooling everyone until she revealed her secret herself!

We applaud Eleanor and her friends for their creativity and wish them all the best as they move on to the next phase of their lives. This story goes to show that sometimes, a little hidden detail can make a big impression and create memories that will last a lifetime.