Imagine the feeling of unease when you witness a suspicious situation unfold right before your eyes. This is exactly what flight attendant Shelia Frederick of Alaska Airlines experienced one day on a trip from Seattle to San Francisco.

There was something about the dynamic between a man and a young girl boarding the plane that raised red flags for Shelia. The girl seemed hesitant, avoiding eye contact and appearing less well-dressed compared to the man. Shelia couldn’t shake off her concerns and knew she had to do something.

While going about her duties serving snacks on the airplane, Shelia made it her mission to establish eye contact with the young girl. She confided in a coworker about her worries, and together, they devised a plan to divert the man’s attention while Shelia attempted to connect with the girl.

Finally, the breakthrough came when the girl glanced up and made eye contact with Shelia. The expression in her eyes was heart-wrenching. Unable to contain her emotions, Shelia excused herself and retreated to the back of the plane, breaking down in tears.

With bravery and quick thinking, Shelia locked one of the plane’s bathrooms and placed a piece of paper and a pencil inside. The intention was clear – to offer the girl a chance to reach out for help. Shelia discreetly communicated her plan to her colleague while the man remained unaware.

Moments later, the girl found an excuse to visit the restroom. Although the man stood nearby, Shelia insisted on remaining vigilant, keeping a watchful eye on the situation. What happened next was both heartbreaking and inspiring.

Inside the bathroom, the girl discovered the note that Shelia had left. It read, “I need help.” This simple message spoke volumes. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Shelia wasted no time in informing the pilot. The pilot made arrangements with ground control to ensure that authorities would be waiting for the man upon landing.

It is stories like these that remind us to trust our instincts and speak up when something doesn’t seem right. Shelia Frederick’s courageous act saved a young girl from the horrors of human trafficking. Even after the rescue, Shelia and the girl maintained contact, with Shelia providing support and encouragement.

Let us honor and pay tribute to the brave and wonderful Shelia Frederick. She serves as a shining example for us all, reminding us that a single act of courage can make a world of difference. Remember: if you see something, say something. Together, we can make a difference and protect those in need.