Once upon a time, four married men set out on a fishing trip together. As they cast their lines into the water, they couldn’t help but talk about the sacrifices they had made to be there.

Four Married Guys On A Fishing Trip

The first guy started off, exclaiming, “Let me tell you what I had to do this weekend just to join you guys.” He shared how on Saturday, he had made a promise to his wife that he would paint the entire house. The other men nodded knowingly, understanding the challenges of negotiating with their wives.

However, the second guy had an even more remarkable story to share. He raised his voice and declared, “That’s nothing! I promised my wife I would build her a new pool deck.” He explained that going on this fishing trip was the only way to fulfill her dream after years of longing for it.

Listening attentively, the third guy chimed in, saying, “You guys have it easy!” He revealed that he had promised his wife to completely redo the kitchen for her. He acknowledged that it would be a lot of work, but he couldn’t resist the opportunity to join his friends on this fishing escapade.

As they continued fishing, their gaze fell upon the fourth man, who had been oddly silent. Curiosity got the better of them, and they finally mustered the courage to ask him, “Why haven’t you shared what you had to do to join us on this fishing trip? What’s your secret?”

A sly grin spread across the fourth man’s face as he began to reveal his secret. “Well,” he started mischievously, “I simply set my alarm for 5:30 AM. When the alarm went off, I sneakily turned off the clock, gently nudged my wife awake, and posed her with a question: ‘Fishing or S**?’ And do you know what she said?” The other guys eagerly awaited his response.

She said, ‘Put on a sweater.’”

Laughter erupted among the group as they admired the fourth man’s cleverness in finding a way to escape for a fishing trip. Sometimes, things don’t always go as planned when you make a seemingly simple and straightforward choice.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your fishing gear and create your own hilarious stories on your next fishing adventure!