If you’ve been keeping up with discussions on the cost of living, you’re probably aware that it’s a hot topic debated on social media and in the news. Recently, Jesse Watters, a Fox News host, made a comment during a PBD podcast that has sparked a lot of conversation online.

During the podcast, Watters discussed wages in the fast food industry. He posed the question, “If you’re making $20 an hour to work in a fast-food restaurant, is that six figures?” It didn’t take long for people to question his math skills.

Let’s set the record straight. Making $20 an hour does not equate to a six-figure salary. The interviewer, Patrick Betz-David, quickly corrected Watters, stating that it amounts to around $40,000 a year. Watters then tried to argue that if both partners in a family were working at a fast food restaurant, they could make $100,000 a year. But let’s be honest, that’s just not realistic.

It’s clear that Watters’ perspective on fast food wages is out of touch with reality. Working in the fast food industry is not easy. It requires hard work and dealing with demanding customers on a daily basis. Just take a quick look on social media, and you’ll find countless videos of rude customers mistreating fast food workers.

There has been a push for a minimum wage increase for fast food workers, with some states and cities implementing a $15 per hour floor. However, this hasn’t been adopted nationwide. The average wage for fast food workers is around $12 per hour, varying depending on location and experience.

Watters also seemed to imply that fast food workers are overpaid, claiming that the job doesn’t require much. This is a misguided statement. It fails to recognize the physical and emotional toll of working in a fast-paced, high-stress environment.

This debate will likely continue for some time, but it’s essential to recognize the value of the work done by fast food employees. So the next time you find yourself enjoying a quick meal, remember the hard work and dedication of those behind the counter.