Taking a DNA test can be quite an experience. Sometimes, it even reveals surprising information that can change your life. And that’s what happened to Fred in the following joke. While his situation may be sad, we can all find humor in it.

We should all enjoy a good laugh every day. So, let’s take a moment to enjoy this funny story before we continue with our day.

Fred came home from University in tears and asked his mother, “Mum, am I adopted?” His mother immediately reassured him, saying, “No, of course not. Why would you think such a thing?”

However, Fred had the DNA test results to prove otherwise. The test showed no matches with any of his relatives, but it did show strong matches with a family from the other side of the city. This revelation left Fred feeling confused and unsettled.

Not knowing what to do, Fred’s mother called her husband and shared the shocking news. She said, “Honey, Fred has done a DNA test, and… and… I don’t know how to say this… he may not be our son.”

To her surprise, Fred’s father responded with a hint of amusement, saying, “Well, obviously!” Perplexed, she asked him to explain. He replied, “It was your idea in the first place. Remember that first night in the hospital when the baby did nothing but scream and cry? You asked me to change him.”

With a sense of pride, Fred’s father added, “I picked a good one, I reckon. Ever so proud of Fred.”

Let’s appreciate the humor in this story and find joy in the unexpected twists that life sometimes throws our way.