Imagine you’re on a flight from Los Angeles to New York, and you’re trying to catch a quick nap. But the person next to you, a lawyer, has a different idea. He asks if you want to play a fun game. What would you do?

Well, for this blonde passenger, all she wanted was some rest. Can you blame her? Politely declining, she rolls over to the window, hoping to catch a few moments of shut-eye.

But the persistent lawyer won’t give up so easily. He insists that the game is easy and fun. Here’s how it works: he’ll ask a question, and if you don’t know the answer, you pay him $5.00. And vice versa.

Again, the sleepy blonde declines and tries to get some sleep. But the lawyer, now growing agitated, changes the stakes. He proposes that if she doesn’t know the answer, she pays him $5.00, but if he doesn’t know the answer, he’ll pay her $500.00! Now that’s quite an offer.

Suddenly intrigued and realizing that the torment won’t end unless she plays along, the blonde reluctantly agrees to the game.

The lawyer starts with the first question: “What’s the distance from the earth to the moon?” Without saying a word, the blonde reaches into her purse, pulls out $5.00, and hands it over to the lawyer.

Confused, the lawyer insists that it’s now the blonde’s turn to ask a question. She asks him, “What goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four legs?”

Puzzled and unable to find an answer, the lawyer starts searching his laptop, flipping through his references, and even sending emails to friends and coworkers. But no luck.

After an hour of frustration, the lawyer wakes up the blonde and hands her $500.00. Grateful for her victory, she says a quick thank you, puts her head back on the pillow, and falls asleep again.

The lawyer, now really miffed, wakes her up and asks, “Well, what’s the answer?” Without a word, the blonde reaches into her purse, hands him $5.00, and drifts off to dreamland once more.

So you see, even on a long flight, a little bit of fun and friendly banter can make the time pass more quickly. Just be careful who you challenge to a game, especially if they happen to be a quick-witted blonde!