Dominic Sadler-Smith and Jodie Weeder with their daughter Posie-Aurora Sadler-Smith in Sudbury, Suffolk

Watching your child take their first steps is always a special moment, but for one couple, it was extra emotional. Their daughter, Posie-Aurora Sadler-Smith, one, recently took her first steps on her new prosthetic limbs after undergoing an amputation. Posie was diagnosed with fibular hemimelia at birth. This disability, which usually affects only one leg, had left Posie missing almost all the bones in both her lower limbs.

Despite the challenges, Posie defied the odds and learned to crawl, using her upper body strength to toddle around. She even managed to boost herself onto the sofa for a cuddle with her dog, Seuss. Her parents faced the heart-wrenching decision of whether to amputate her limbs in order to give her the chance to walk upright. Eventually, just after her first birthday, Posie had her left leg amputated at the ankle and was fitted with prosthetic limbs, colored in her favorite shade of pink.

Posie-Aurora Sadler-Smith at her home in Sudbury, Suffolk

The moment that Posie took her first tentative steps with the support of her dad left her parents in floods of tears. Although they admit to missing her perfect little toes, they are in awe of their daughter’s strength. Jodie Weeder, 26, Posie’s mother, said, “When they strapped the prosthetic limbs on her at the fitting, it was like she suddenly wasn’t a baby anymore. She went from this tiny girl to such a tall toddler. It was amazing to see her stand up for the first time.”

Posie still needs assistance to stand as her right prosthetic limb needs further adjustments, but she doesn’t give up. Her upper body strength is remarkable, and she keeps trying to stand and walk. Her determination is truly inspiring.

Dominic and Jodie with their daughter Posie-Aurora

Posie’s parents, Jodie and Dominic, were informed of their daughter’s chromosomal condition when Jodie was 20 weeks pregnant. They were faced with the choice of whether to terminate the pregnancy, but they chose to fight for Posie’s life. They focused on getting her here and decided to face whatever challenges came their way.

When Posie was born, she was diagnosed with fibular hemimelia, a condition where she had no right knee or bones below it, and only one misshaped bone in her left leg. Despite these obstacles, Posie developed a speedy crawl at six months. Her left foot was amputated on July 3, and her right leg, although shorter and missing toes, remains.

Posie-Aurora Sadler-Smith

Posie’s journey to walking was marked by emotional milestones for her parents. They witnessed their little girl stand for the first time when she received her first prosthetic legs on September 7. Her right knee is still unstable, and the decision to amputate the right leg at her knee in October is being considered to aid better prosthetic fitting.

Posie-Aurora was diagnosed with limb problems during her 20 week scan

Jodie emphasizes that adjusting to prosthetic limbs takes time, but with the right support and love, anything is possible. She believes that everyone faces hurdles in life but with strength and determination, they can be overcome.