A Grammy-nominated gospel sensation found herself in the middle of a controversy during a recent Delta flight when her heavenly voice met resistance from a flight attendant. Bobbi Storm, a renowned gospel singer, decided to share her musical gift at 30,000 feet.

In a viral Instagram clip, Storm confidently walked up the aisle, announcing to fellow passengers that she was “charting right now on the Billboards.” The flight attendant tried to rein in her impromptu performance, but Storm was undeterred.

“I just found out I’m up for two Grammys. My very first time, you guys,” Storm proudly declared. Deeply connected to her faith, she continued, “I sing for the Lord, and my song is out on all platforms, called ‘We Can’t Forget Him.’ I wanna share this with you, guys.”

Despite receiving applause from some passengers, the flight attendant seemed unimpressed and politely requested her to be quiet. Frustrated, the flight attendant firmly expressed his desire for a harmonious journey, but Storm questioned, “Am I gonna go to jail if I don’t?”

In a moment of tension, she affirmed, “I’m doing what the Lord is telling me to do,” as the flight attendant declared himself the “flight leader” and asked her to follow his instructions.

Turning to her fellow passengers for support, Storm asked, “What do you think?” However, her plea was met with silence, and the flight attendant gave her an ultimatum: “If you’re not able to follow my instruction, you will not be taking this flight.”

Reluctantly, Storm conceded, saying, “If that’s the case, then that’s fine. If you’re the person in charge of it all, then that’s fine.” But as the employee walked away, she whispered a promise to her captive audience, “I’ll sing it on a low for y’all in the back, if that’s okay. The song is called ‘We Can’t Forget Him.’”

Later, Storm claimed that Delta had reached out to apologize for the incident. She defended her actions, stating, “It was just me spreading my joy with people after they gave me the go to do so.” However, not everyone was supportive. Many social media users expressed disapproval and emphasized the importance of following the flight crew’s instructions.

The incident sparked a spirited debate about the boundaries of expression on commercial flights. While the world waits for Delta’s official commentary, one thing is clear: Bobbi Storm’s soaring spirit is not easily grounded, and her passion for music and faith remains steadfast.