Meet Donald Sizemore, an 87-year-old master of the Donald Duck voice. When telemarketers interrupt his daily routine with their annoying calls, Donald has a special trick up his sleeve – he uses his impeccable impersonation skills to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Donald’s wife, Gayle, loves watching her husband unleash his Donald Duck impression on unsuspecting telemarketers. Inside Edition even featured Donald’s hilarious trick and wrote the following description on their YouTube channel:

“Donald Sizemore is no fan of telemarketers, just like all of us. So when he received a call from one recently, he decided to play a little trick. In his best Donald Duck voice, he asked, ‘Hewhoah? Hewwwwhoooooah, are you there?’ The telemarketer, caught off guard, tried to continue but ultimately hung up.”

Donald’s talent has gained him thousands of fans, with viewers praising his impersonation skills in the YouTube comments. Here are a few thoughts from fellow viewers:

  • “The way he doesn’t laugh while doing the impersonation seems like he’s a professional voice actor.”
  • “He doesn’t sound like Donald Duck. Donald Duck sounds like him.”
  • “The best thing is his wife still laughing at this impersonation so many years later. Bless that happy couple.”
  • “If this man didn’t get free tickets to Disneyland, then there’s no justice in the world.”

Some viewers even got inspired by Donald’s prank and shared their own ideas for dealing with telemarketers:

  • “I have a friend who speaks Japanese, and when a telemarketer calls, he just starts speaking Japanese, and they hang up!”
  • “Next time I get a call, the poor telemarketer is going to get a barrage of Barney, Scooby-Doo, and Forrest Gump. Thanks for the inspiration, Mr. Sizemore!”

Donald’s talent is truly impressive, with many viewers suggesting he could even play the role of Donald Duck in a Disney animated film. What do you think about this senior citizen’s Donald Duck impression? Is he spot-on or what?