Let’s take a little trip down wedding lane, shall we? Imagine planning the most memorable day of your life with your significant other, only to have it sprout drama worthy of a soap opera. This incredibly awkward scenario unfolded for one young lady who chose to share her story on Reddit’s ‘Off My Chest’ forum—a haven for sharing the bizarre, the whimsical, and the downright sensational.

Our story starts in November 2022, when the anonymous poster (let’s call her ‘OP’) revealed that she’d been dating her fiancé, whom we’ll call Ryan, for six blissful years. Eight months into their engagement, they were deep into wedding planning territory. Like many brides-to-be, OP took the reins with the wedding plans while Ryan chimed in occasionally.

But about a month ago, Ryan threw a curveball that would strike even the most composed bride-to-be. Out of the blue, he suggested that OP should not wear a white wedding dress. Baffled but not overly concerned, OP chalked it up to Ryan’s artistic flair and pressed on with her plans. However, his request left a bad taste, and she couldn’t help but feel ‘disgusted’ by his actions later on.

Fast forward to two weeks before the wedding. OP finally settled on her dream dress—a beautiful white gown any bride would adore. Excited yet nervous, she was met with an irritated Ryan who desperately wanted to see the dress. OP, determined to uphold wedding traditions, refused, aiming to preserve the element of surprise.

Ryan’s inquiries about the color led to an explosive reaction when he learned it was white. Confused by his insistence on red, OP dug deeper to uncover the truth. Shockingly, Ryan believed that brides should only wear white if they were ‘pure.’

For some context, OP and Ryan’s whirlwind romance began when she was 21 and he was 20, both fresh-faced and in love. Ryan had been a virgin at the relationship’s start, while OP had a single previous partner—her high school love of four years. While initial insecurities were part of their early romance, they seemed to have transcended them—or so OP thought.

Desperately clinging to his archaic belief, Ryan went so far as to enlist his mother’s support, hoping she would be his ally. However, much to his dismay, she backed OP, arguing fervently over the living room sofa. Even Ryan’s mother, armed with logic and decades of wisdom, pointed out that he wasn’t a virgin either and, if he insisted on such symbolism, should also wear red.

The living room showdown escalated into a tear-filled mess but offered no resolution. Stubborn as ever, Ryan couldn’t see past his misguided notions, remaining convinced that allowing OP to wear white would deceive their wedding guests. Ah, the dramatic flair some bring into their lives, am I right?