Imagine this: You’re walking down the road, minding your own business, when a voice calls out, “Don’t take a step further.” Confused, you obey and just in time, a ton of bricks come crashing down exactly where you would have been. Astonished, you think it must have been your imagination and continue walking.

A woman is walking on the road and a..

But then, once again, the voice warns you, “Don’t take a step further.” This time, you heed the warning and immediately a car skids past you. You can’t believe your luck. Who or what could be protecting you?

Turns out, it’s your very own guardian angel! The voice speaks again, revealing itself, “I am your guardian angel, and I will warn you before something bad happens to you. Now, do you have any questions to ask me?” Overwhelmed with gratitude, you shout, “Just where were you on my wedding day!”

It’s incredible to think that there might be an unseen force looking out for us, keeping us safe from harm. And while we may not always realize it, our guardian angels are there, watching over us and guiding us away from danger.

So, the next time you hear that little voice in your head or feel a sudden urge to change your path, perhaps it’s your guardian angel trying to keep you out of harm’s way. Embrace their presence and know that you are being protected.

Remember, age is just a number when it comes to the love and care of our guardian angels. They are always there, no matter our age. So let’s be grateful for their presence and trust in their guidance. Stay safe, my angelic friends!