Hunt also pushed Sams to explain why working class Americans have decided the Democratic Party ‘isn’t for them’

CNN host presses Harris campaign spokesperson on where she differs from President Biden

If you tuned into CNN recently, you might have caught Kasie Hunt putting Harris campaign spokesperson Ian Sams through his paces in a rather inquisitive interview. Hunt didn’t hold back, demanding to know just how a Harris presidency would diverge from the current Biden administration. Now, here’s where things get juicy!

Hunt questioned, “She is breaking with President Biden, but she’s also proposing raising taxes. Why is she doing this now? And how different do you think her proposals are from President Biden’s?” Poor Sams, caught in the political hot seat, had to navigate through this maze of endless speculation.

So what is Harris up to, you ask? Just unveiling a proposal to bump up the federal government’s capital gains tax rate from 21% to 28%. Maybe she’s aiming for a bold new approach, or maybe she’s just trying to keep things interesting for all of us political junkies out there!

Sams, ever quick on his feet, managed to divert attention to Trump (classic move), arguing that with Harris, it’s all about creating more small businesses, cutting costs for the middle class, and those bread-and-butter issues we regular folks care about.

But Hunt wasn’t going to let him off easy. She pressed him further: Should we expect Harris to go farther in breaking with the president? Sams tried to dance around the question, emphasizing that while Harris is proud of what she and Biden have accomplished together, she’s her own candidate with her own vision. Translation: expect some shifts, folks.

Of course, no interview would be complete without addressing the elephant in the room—why do so many working-class Americans feel the Democratic Party isn’t for them? Sams, putting his best foot forward, suggested that the campaign’s focus is on communicating directly with voters, not getting bogged down in demographic analysis. It’s like trying to explain why pineapple on pizza is a thing—complicated and divisive!

Hunt again lured Sams into the labyrinth, pointing out that Democrats have controlled things for the last few years, yet working-class voters seem more enchanted by Trump than Harris. It was probably as uncomfortable as realizing you’ve been talking to someone with spinach stuck in your teeth the whole time.

Sams, refusing to back down, asserted, “We’ve got 60 days until the election. We don’t have time to sit around and think about why over the last few years certain things may have happened or may not have happened. We’ve got to go win an election and the vice president is doing that by talking about her economic vision. It’s a new way forward, not only for the Democratic Party, but for the country.” Bold words, but will they resonate?

What’s truly new about Harris’s approach? According to Sams, it’s her initiative to ban price gouging. Imagine that—no more getting squeezed at the checkout line!

As conversations around Harris vs. Biden continue, one thing is clear—shifts, however subtle, are apparent. And as we inch closer to election day, all eyes will be on Harris to see if she can indeed “go farther” and carve her unique path in the political landscape. Now, isn’t that something to chew on?