We all want to ensure the well-being and happiness of our aging parents. In a loving and caring family, it is expected that children will support their parents in every way possible. Sometimes, this may involve making difficult decisions.

In this heartfelt story, a son made the decision to place his mother in a facility where she could receive the care she needed. Although he never heard any complaints from her and visited her occasionally, little did he know that one day, his mother would reveal something that would leave a lasting impression on his heart.

After the passing of his father, the son made the choice to leave his mother in an old age home, visiting her sporadically. One fateful day, he received a phone call from the facility, informing him that his mother was in critical condition and urging him to come immediately.

Filled with worry, the son rushed to his mother’s side, finding her lying on her deathbed. With concern in his voice, he asked, “Mom, what can I do for you?”

Gently, his mother replied, “Please install fans in the old age home, as there are currently none. Additionally, it would be wonderful to have a fridge for better food storage, as I have often gone without food.”

The son was taken aback by his mother’s request. He questioned, “Mom, during your time here, you never complained. Why, now, with only a few hours left, do you express these desires?”

With a calm smile, his mother replied, “It’s alright, dear. I have managed with the heat, hunger, and pain. But I worry about you and your future. I fear that one day, when your own children send you to a place like this, you will not be able to endure the hardships I faced. That’s why I want to improve the old age home, so that future residents won’t suffer as I did. Remember, ‘What you give is what you get.’”

This touching story reminds us of the importance of caring for our aging parents and treating them with love and respect. It serves as a gentle nudge to ensure that we provide a comfortable and nurturing environment for those who have cared for us throughout our lives.