Sometimes, pranks can go terribly wrong. This is exactly what happened to a man who decided to play a prank on the entire building by urinating on the elevator buttons. Little did he know, karma had something in store for him.

The man, probably not realizing that elevator buttons are not public toilets, thought it would be funny to pull down his pants and relieve himself on the buttons. His plan was to make other people touch his urine when they wanted to use the elevator.

But his prank quickly turned sour. As his urine infiltrated the buttons, the elevator short-circuited and got stuck. The man found himself trapped in the very place he intended to prank others.

The embarrassing incident was captured on the elevator’s surveillance cameras, making the video of his failed prank go viral. People from all over the world couldn’t help but laugh at the man’s expense. This serves as a reminder that public urination is neither funny nor acceptable. It not only disgusts others but also carries serious consequences.

This man’s story serves as a cautionary tale for anyone considering pulling a prank. It is crucial to be prepared and think about the potential repercussions before carrying out a prank. Otherwise, you might end up being the one who gets pranked.

In this case, the man ended up stuck inside the elevator, desperately trying to free himself. He banged on the doors and attempted to open them, but his efforts were in vain. He remained trapped until someone came to his rescue.

So, the next time you think about playing a prank, think twice. Make sure you consider the possible outcomes and ensure you’re adequately prepared. Otherwise, you might find yourself on the receiving end of the joke.