Rockstar Marilyn Manson, once a music sensation, is now facing three sexual abuse lawsuits from different women. Despite the allegations, Manson was recently spotted on a rare outing with his wife, Lindsay Urich. While Manson donned his signature all-black outfit, Urich wore a vibrant green maxi dress with red lipstick.

Marilyn Manson and Lindsay Urich

The three women who filed the lawsuits against Manson are Game of Thrones actress Esmé Bianco, model Ashley Morgan Smithine, and a Jane Doe. It’s worth noting that a fourth lawsuit against him was dismissed by a court due to the incidents occurring outside the statute of limitations.

One of the plaintiffs, Ashley Walters, sought legal help but unfortunately missed the timeframe for seeking justice. She claims that Manson subjected her to sexual and psychological abuse during her employment, forcing her to stand for long hours, consume cocaine to stay awake during a photo shoot, and even assaulting her with a prop skull. Manson, on the other hand, denies these allegations and argues that Walters was aware of the situation and intentionally hid from him.

Walters and her lawyer, James Vagnini, are committed to fighting for justice, believing that the severity of the abuse she endured should outweigh any limitations defense Manson puts forth. They are determined to expose Manson for who they believe he is – a narcissistic predator and violator.

While the legal battle continues, Manson is also suing his ex, Evan Rachel Wood, for defamation. It’s a complex situation with multiple parties involved, and the truth remains to be seen. This case serves as a reminder that fame and success do not exempt individuals from being held accountable for their actions.