A heartwarming video captured the beautiful moment when two-year-old Karis Oglesby couldn’t wait any longer to hug her father, 1st Lt. Daniel Oglesby. After being away for over eight months, Lt. Oglesby’s homecoming ceremony in Colorado became even more special when his excited daughter spotted him in formation.

In the middle of the ceremony, little Karis, wearing sparkling gold boots and a red, white, and blue outfit, couldn’t contain her joy. She quickly scurried across the gymnasium with sheer excitement, eager to embrace her father. Lt. Oglesby, overjoyed to see his daughter, bent down and gave her a hug before playfully nudging her back to her seat.

Reflecting on the moment, Lt. Oglesby expressed that maintaining the formation wasn’t his priority. He believes that the homecoming ceremony is all about honoring the families who have made sacrifices for almost nine months without their loved ones. “I was so happy to see my awesome little girl,” he shared.

For Lt. Oglesby, Karis’ impulsive run for a hug was a delightful surprise. Having left in February, he wasn’t sure how much Karis would remember him and how she would react upon his return. But her overwhelming excitement showed him just how much she had missed him. “I was so happy that she was excited to see me — so excited that she couldn’t even wait for the quick ceremony to be over first,” he expressed.

The timing of Lt. Oglesby’s return was perfect. He made it just in time to celebrate Karis’ upcoming third birthday. With plans to visit Chuck E Cheese and a local amusement park called North Pole, Lt. Oglesby wants to make up for the lost time and give his daughters, including four-year-old Layla, unforgettable experiences.

“As a dad, I want to do whatever I can to make up for the time we spent apart,” Lt. Oglesby said. “I’ll do whatever they want, whatever they need. They will be the bosses around here for the next few weeks!”

This heartwarming reunion reminds us of the immeasurable love and joy that family brings, especially after a long separation. It serves as a beautiful testament to the sacrifices made by military families and the profound bond between a father and his children.