Ana Calatayud-Manglano, a 24-year-old student from Valencia, decided to stop shaving her legs four months ago. Tired of conforming to society’s beauty standards, Ana took a stand and embraced her natural body hair. It wasn’t just a political statement for her, but also a way to be lazy and avoid the tedious task of shaving.

Woman with unshaven legs

However, when Ana proudly shared a photo of her hairy legs online, she faced backlash from online trolls. Instead of receiving support from fellow feminists, she was bombarded with sexist and rude comments. People criticized her appearance and made hurtful remarks about her sex life.

Undeterred by the hate, Ana decided to fight back and share her reasons for not shaving her legs. She wanted to encourage other women to embrace their natural selves, regardless of what others may say. For Ana, it was simply a matter of personal choice and convenience.

“I chose not to shave because I was lazy and didn’t feel like it. I don’t care about people’s opinions or societal expectations. I am not ashamed of my hairy legs, as women naturally have hair. Shaving or not shaving is a personal decision, unrelated to feminism or making a statement. I simply didn’t want to do it,” Ana explained.

She further added, “I am tired of feeling obligated to shave because society tells me to. I will only do it when I feel like it. Since quitting in November, I haven’t shaved and I don’t know when I will. I am currently single, but my ex-boyfriends never had an issue with my unshaven legs. No man has ever made me feel dirty or gross because of it.”

Ana’s video showcasing her unshaven legs went viral, garnering over 9,000 shares. Unfortunately, along with the attention came a lot of hate and negativity from people who couldn’t accept her choice.

While Ana faced cruel comments, she also received positive messages from women who thanked her and offered support. Despite the negativity, she remains focused on the encouragement she received.

Ana concludes, “I want to highlight that amidst the hate, there were many individuals who sent me messages of gratitude and support. That’s what I will hold onto from this experience.”