Parenting can be challenging, especially in today’s fast-paced world. Sometimes, all a parent needs is a little bit of support or kind words to get through the day. That’s why psychotherapist and author Anna Mathur has come up with a brilliant idea to raise awareness and encourage parents to reach out for help when they need it.

With her Instagram following of nearly two hundred thousand, Mathur is an influencer who understands the ups and downs of parenting. Her idea is simple yet powerful – women can tie a colorful ribbon to their bags or purses to let others know that they could use some encouragement or kindness.

Mathur’s inspiration for this idea came from a moment many parents can relate to. She was walking down the high street with her kids, feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. As she looked around, Mathur realized that there were other parents and families who might have wanted to offer support, but something was holding them back.

She reflected on her own experiences as a mother and admitted that she has often felt like a failure when she needed help, which stopped her from reaching out. Mathur shared a memory of dropping one of her kids off at nursery for the first time and feeling emotional and in need of someone to talk to, but not knowing how or who to approach.

To address this issue and create a safe space for parents to connect, Mathur suggests that tying a ribbon to a bag can become a symbol. The ribbon sends a message – “I am open to you offering me some kind words or support,” or “I’m here if you need some kind words or support.” It’s a way to let others know that you are willing to give and receive support without judgment.

Mathur acknowledges that some parents might have received offers of help in the past but declined, even when they weren’t “fine.” She believes that the ribbon can also serve as a reminder to ourselves that we are stepping out and allowing others to step towards us.

If you find this idea intriguing and want to take it a step further, Mathur recommends checking out the @AMotherPlace and @StacieSwift websites, where they have created “Yo” buggy tags that you can pin to your stroller. These tags let others know that you’re open to having a chat or helping a fellow parent.

Mathur is aware that her idea might not work for everyone or could face some criticism. However, she is willing to take that risk to create a supportive community for parents. So, what do you think about this parenting expert’s ribbon idea? Would you be open to tying a ribbon to your bag or purse?