Girl, 7, Saved by Heroic Police Officers

In a heartwarming reunion, a brave seven-year-old girl named Noura was reunited with the police officers who saved her life after a horrifying attack by her own father. Last year, on May 22, 2020, Noura was stabbed in the neck and chest in North West London, in a shocking incident that shook the community.

Thanks to the quick response of officers PC Ryan Legge and PC Ahmet Mavitunali, Noura’s life was saved. The officers tirelessly searched for her, knocking down multiple doors in the building, until they found her unconscious. She had suffered major stab wounds and was just six-years-old at the time.

PC Mavitunali and PC Legge immediately administered emergency first aid to Noura, who was then rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Miraculously, despite initial concerns of severe brain damage, Noura survived the ordeal and is now reported to be doing remarkably well.

After spending three months in recovery at the hospital, Noura was finally able to return home. But the story doesn’t end there. Today, as part of an Emergency Services Day event honoring the dedication of NHS and emergency service workers, Noura had a special reunion with the two officers who saved her life.

Noura and mum

Filled with emotion, Noura shared a heartwarming hug with Officers Ryan and Ahmet and even got to ride in their police car. This reunion serves as a powerful reminder of the bravery and resilience of both Noura and the officers who risked their lives to protect her.

Sarah Leach, North West BCU Commander, expressed immense pride in the actions of Ahmet and Ryan, emphasizing the crucial role they played in saving Noura’s life. Furthermore, she commended Noura for her bravery and resilience in the face of such a horrific ordeal.

“It is really special that Noura and the officers are able to meet at this event, and it will, I’m sure, be an emotional moment for all,” Leach added.

Noura’s father has been charged with attempted murder and has been sentenced to 22 years in jail. This serves as a testament to the severity of the crime committed against an innocent child.

PC Legge and PC Mavitunali

The heartwarming reunion between Noura and the heroic officers reminds us of the importance of recognizing the selfless acts of bravery performed by our emergency service workers. Their dedication and quick thinking under distressing circumstances make them true heroes.