People love to talk about the weather, and in some areas, they complain about it on a regular basis. It’s not uncommon for the weather to change suddenly, leaving people unprepared. However, there are some who take action and find innovative solutions to protect their homes.

One such person is Randy Wagner, who lives in the Southwest United States. In 2016, heavy flooding caused devastation in the area, and many people lost everything. But Randy was determined to save his home, so he made a bold move.

He decided to purchase an aqua dam, a unique structure made of plastic and fabric that can be filled with water. This dam would create a barrier around his home, protecting it from the rising floodwaters. It may have seemed strange to his neighbors, but Randy had faith in his decision.

Even though the flood hadn’t reached his area yet, Randy drove all the way to Louisiana to pick up the aqua dam. Some of his neighbors mocked him and thought he was crazy, but Randy had seen what the floods in 2015 had done to people’s homes, and he wanted to be prepared.

When the time came, three men helped Randy unroll the 400 feet of tubing and set up the aqua dam around his home. It was a simple yet effective solution. When the floodwaters arrived, the Wagner family stayed home and were relieved to find that their home remained dry. The $8300 investment had paid off.

Today, Randy’s neighbors are no longer laughing at him. In fact, they are impressed by the success of the aqua dam in saving his home. What seemed like a crazy idea at the time turned out to be a smart move.

Aqua dams are not commonly seen, but they have proven to be effective in protecting homes during floods. They have saved people thousands of dollars by preventing water damage. If you want to learn more about aqua dams and how they work, you can watch this video.