Man is Horrified to Find a Ladder Snake Inside a Bag of Broccoli He Purchased From

Can you imagine reaching into your fridge and finding a snake hiding in your bag of broccoli? That’s exactly what happened to a 63-year-old man from Birmingham, UK. Neville Linton purchased a bag of broccoli from an Aldi supermarket and was shocked when he discovered a live snake inside the plastic packaging. Mr. Linton, who is terrified of snakes, was relieved that he hadn’t left the broccoli out in the kitchen where the snake could have escaped and caused chaos in his home.

Mr. Linton immediately called his sister, Ann-Marie Tenkanemin, for help. Together, they took the broccoli and the sneaky snake back to the Aldi branch, where even the store manager was frightened by the unusual discovery.


The snake was later identified as a young ladder snake by the staff at Dudley Zoo. Although not venomous, the ladder snake can deliver a painful bite. This terrified Mr. Linton even more, as he had vulnerable relatives living with him, including his disabled son and mother-in-law. The potential risk to their safety was a cause for great concern.

In response to the incident, the Aldi branch manager apologized to Mr. Linton and assured him that they are taking steps to prevent such incidents in the future. They will establish a protocol for standard operating procedures (SOP) to ensure the safety of their customers and maintain their high standards.


But what kind of snake was it exactly? According to Donovan, Mr. Linton’s son, the Dudley Zoo specialist initially identified it as a young ladder snake. However, herpetologist Dr. Steven J. R. Allain believes it is actually a harmless fish-eating species called a viperine water snake. This species is found in southwestern Europe and northern Africa. Dr. Allain suggests that since a large amount of food is imported into the UK from the Mediterranean region, it’s not surprising to find a species from that area turning up in vegetables grown there.

Regardless of the specific species, it’s important to note that both the ladder snake and the viperine water snake are not dangerous to humans. In fact, the viperine water snake is only a threat to fish and frogs. These snakes are not venomous and prefer to avoid conflict with humans.


It’s unfortunate that Mr. Linton had to experience such a terrifying incident. However, it serves as a reminder that there is often more to snakes than meets the eye. They are delicate creatures that play important roles in the ecosystem. By understanding and appreciating them, we can alleviate some of our fears and live in harmony with these misunderstood reptiles.