Traveling can be exhausting, especially for seniors. After driving for almost eleven hours, an elderly couple decided to take a break and get a room to rest. Their plan was to sleep for only four hours before hitting the road again. However, when they checked out, they were handed a bill for a staggering $350. The husband couldn’t believe it and demanded an explanation for the high charge. He argued that the room was not worth $350 for just four hours. The clerk then informed him that $350 was the “standard rate”.

Frustrated, the husband insisted on speaking to the Manager. The Manager listened to their complaint and defended the charge by explaining that the hotel had amazing amenities, including an Olympic-sized pool and a huge conference center that the couple could have used. But the husband rebutted, “But we didn’t use them!”

Undeterred, the Manager continued listing the available entertainment options, boasting about the best performers from New York, Hollywood, and Las Vegas. The husband, again, responded with, “But we didn’t go to any of those shows!”

No matter what amenity or entertainment option the Manager mentioned, the husband reiterated that they did not use any of them. However, the Manager remained unyielding, and the husband eventually gave in and agreed to pay the $350 bill.

Interestingly, when it was time to write the check, the husband didn’t have his checkbook with him. He requested his wife to write the check instead. Surprisingly, when the Manager looked at the check, it was only made out for $50.

Perplexed, the Manager pointed out the discrepancy. The wife calmly replied, “That’s correct. I charged you $300 for sleeping with me.”

Shocked, the Manager exclaimed, “But I didn’t!”

With a sly smile, the wife responded, “Well, too bad. I was here, and you could have.”

This amusing anecdote serves as a reminder not to underestimate senior citizens. They have lived long lives and know how to stand up for themselves. So, next time, think twice before trying to take advantage of older individuals.