ITV Tonight

Dawn Lacey, a 64-year-old retired church minister, has found a clever way to supplement her retirement income by making an extra £800 each month. She discovered the power of starting a side hustle, and it has made all the difference in her financial situation.

After retiring early to care for her father, Dawn realized she needed to find a way to pay the bills and have some extra income. That’s when she turned to selling beauty products through her Temple Spa business. Dawn shared her inspiring story on ITV’s Tonight program, explaining how her business has grown from a small venture to a lucrative endeavor.

Starting with just one class per month, Dawn made around £50. But within a year, her monthly income has skyrocketed to a minimum of £800. She couldn’t be happier with the results and has even started teaching others how to get involved in a similar business through monthly classes.

Dawn believes that her side hustle is a fantastic opportunity for both men and women to explore something different while earning extra income. Not only does it provide a chance to meet new people, but it also allows for some financial freedom, whether it’s buying food, paying for petrol, or spoiling their grandchildren.

However, it’s essential to be cautious before embarking on any side hustle. ITV presenter Adam Shaw advises checking the reputation of the company you are considering working with. Additionally, it’s crucial to be aware of the tax implications of earning extra income. If you make over £1,000 in one tax year, whether you’re self-employed or on PAYE, you must declare it to HMRC and start paying taxes accordingly. Visit the HMRC website for more information.

If you’re interested in exploring other ways to make extra money from home, we’ve rounded up five ideas for you:

  1. Have a clear-out and sell unwanted goods.
  2. Consider renting out items you no longer need.
  3. Get paid to search the internet or give your opinions on TV shows and movies.
  4. Explore the world of freelancing or part-time remote work.
  5. Create and sell crafts or homemade products online.

Having a little extra money can make a significant difference, especially during challenging times. So why not consider starting a side hustle of your own? Tune in to ITV’s Tonight program on Thursdays at 8:30 pm or catch up on the latest episode through ITV Hub for more inspiration.