Ashley Cain with his brave daughter Azaylia

Ashley Cain, a former footballer turned reality star, and his girlfriend Safiyya Voragee have faced unimaginable pain and loss with the passing of their baby daughter, Azaylia. Diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia at just eight weeks old, Azaylia’s battle inspired Ashley and Safiyya to raise over £1.5 million for her treatment in Singapore. Despite their efforts, Azaylia’s condition worsened, and at the tender age of 8 months, she succumbed to the illness.

In the midst of their grief, Ashley took to Instagram to share how they found strength during their darkest days and embarked on a journey of healing. Through their pain, they set up a foundation in Azaylia’s name and dedicated themselves to raising funds for charity through various endurance challenges.

“This year has been the worst, but the best year of my life,” Ashley wrote. “The toughest, but the most beautiful year of my life. It’s held moments that nightmares couldn’t quantify, but memories I will protect and cherish forever. Where I’ve felt the lowest of lows, but also witnessed how truly happy a man can be.”

Ashley candidly shared how Azaylia became their guiding light, the source of their resilience during her illness. “Ayzalia was the one that ended up giving us our strength. She was the one that ended up making us smile. She was the one that helped us to show up to that hospital every day and get through that time,” he revealed.

In a heartfelt video, Ashley opened up about the impact Azaylia had on their lives and how she served as an inspiration to others. He recounted the moments in the hospital when they made a conscious decision to put their own sadness aside and focus solely on bringing happiness to their daughter’s life.

Reflecting on their time together, Ashley described his most precious memories, particularly the mornings spent by Azaylia’s side. “Kids never do this, but I used to wake up in the morning and I used to be tired because we may have been up all night. I used to look over and Azaylia would already be there, looking at me not crying, not whinging, just quiet, waiting for me to look at her, and as soon as I turned over and looked at her, I saw this massive smile from ear to ear,” he fondly recalled.

He continued, “And oh my god, I jumped out of bed, I opened the blinds, I put the music on. I used to go, ‘Morning kid, are you okay?’ And every time I called her pretty, she smiled. My morning used to go the same every morning.”

Azaylia’s impact extended far beyond her immediate family. Ashley expressed how she inspired people around the world, even during the global pandemic. “She made families appreciate their children and hold them a bit closer,” he said. “And she just made everybody around her a better person and their life a little brighter.”

Although Ashley and Safiyya would have done anything to save Azaylia from her illness, they found solace in creating a loving and joyful environment for her. “So the thing with us is, the only thing that we could do for Azaylia at that point is create an amazing atmosphere around her. So being as that was the only thing we could do, we did it to the best of our ability,” Ashley shared.

Azaylia’s journey was undoubtedly heartbreaking, but it also demonstrated the depths of love and strength that can emerge in the face of adversity. Ashley concluded his emotional message with these powerful words to Azaylia, “You’re strong, you’re powerful, you’re brave, you’re courageous, you’re mighty, you’re a warrior, you’re a Spartan, you’re a lion and you’ve got this.”

Azaylia’s story of resilience and the unwavering love of her parents serve as a beacon of hope, reminding us all that even in the darkest times, there is strength to be found.