When you find that special someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, you accept them for who they are, flaws and all. One common question that many people have for their partners is how many people they have been with in the past. While this question can sometimes trigger feelings of jealousy, it is a natural curiosity.

There was one newlywed couple lying in bed together when the husband mustered up the courage to ask his wife about her past partners. He wanted to know if she was willing to share that information with him. Instead of answering, she remained silent and started staring at the ceiling.

Not one to give up easily, the husband tried to reassure her by saying, “It’s okay, just share it with me. How many men have you been with?” But once again, he was met with silence. Filled with regret, the man quickly apologized, realizing that his words may have upset his loved one. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I just thought we could have an open and trusting relationship…”

Still faced with silence, he tried to comfort her by saying, “That’s alright, please don’t be upset.” But there was still no response. Feeling frustrated, he leaned in closer and showered her with kisses and affection.

Finally, she couldn’t keep quiet any longer. She turned to him and said, “Oh, come on! You’ve made me lose count!”

If this little joke brought a smile to your face, why not share it with your family and friends on Facebook? Let’s spread the love and laughter!

Love and Peace.