There are certain questions that we all ask our partners at some point in our relationships. One of the most common questions is how many partners they had before us. It’s not always an easy topic to discuss, but it’s one that often comes up.

Let me share a funny joke that illustrates this situation. It’s about a newlywed couple lying in bed, and the husband decides to ask his wife about the number of men she has been with. But instead of getting an answer, he is met with silence.

Confused and concerned, the husband persists, assuring his wife that it’s okay to share this information. Still, she remains silent, her eyes fixed on the ceiling. Worried that he may have upset her, the husband quickly apologizes for prying into her past.

But no matter how much he tries to console her, she continues to maintain her silence. Feeling defeated, the husband starts to hold her closely and shower her with love and affection. It’s in this moment of intimacy that something unexpected happens.

Finally, the wife snaps out of her silence and looks at her husband with frustration in her eyes. She blurts out, “Oh, come on! You’ve made me lose count!”

This joke reminds us that sometimes, it’s better not to ask certain questions. Instead, we should focus on building a loving and trusting relationship, where open communication and understanding prevail.

So, the next time you’re tempted to ask your partner about their past, remember this hilarious joke and think twice. After all, what truly matters is the present and the future you both share together.