A captivating picture puzzle has caught the attention of many online, sparking widespread debate as people attempt to arrive at the accurate solution. If you consider yourself a puzzle aficionado, then this challenge is perfect for putting your eyes and logical reasoning to the test!

Now, let’s dive straight into it. Take a careful look at the image above and try to answer the question: How many people are present in the picture?

At first glance, this puzzle may seem simple, but don’t be fooled! It is filled with tricks and only the keenest minds can discern the deceptions to provide the correct answer.

Before we reveal the solution, let’s go over a few hints.

If your initial guess was 11, unfortunately, that’s incorrect! Paintings in the picture are not real people and should not be included in the count.

Maybe you settled on 5? Incorrect once more! The actual count exceeds that number.

However, remember to discount the stone statue in the middle, as it is unquestionably lifeless.

Take another look, reassess the puzzle, and unveil the correct answer by scrolling down once you’ve completed your examination!