Do you want to ace your job interviews consistently? Well, Catherine Lockhart, a successful corporate professional from Texas, has a winning strategy to share with you. Her secret weapon? A single question that she poses at the end of every interview. This tactic has not only impressed interviewers but has also secured her job offers every time.

Lockhart, who started her career in consulting and sales right after graduating from university, has shared her invaluable advice on how to make a lasting impression during job interviews. Her game-changing question, “What does excellence look like in this role?”, has become her trademark move.

In a revealing video, Lockhart explains the significance of asking this question. It provides insight into the day-to-day responsibilities and expectations of the position. By asking this query, candidates not only demonstrate their interest in the role but also their commitment to delivering exceptional performance once they join the company.

Lockhart believes that this question is a powerful indicator of a candidate’s seriousness and determination to exceed expectations. It signals to prospective employers that the candidate is not only interested in the job but is also prepared to go above and beyond to excel in their role.

Alongside her valuable advice, Lockhart also warns against asking certain questions that could potentially backfire during an interview. Specifically, she advises against inquiring about paid time off (PTO) or other benefits, as these queries may inadvertently convey a lack of focus on the job itself.

Lockhart’s insights have resonated with many job seekers, with several individuals endorsing her approach and sharing their own experiences and recommendations. One recruiter agrees with Lockhart, emphasizing that candidates who prioritize questions about time off during interviews rarely receive job offers.

Furthermore, asking about work-life balance can provide valuable insights into the company culture and expectations. By gaining insight into the interviewer’s satisfaction with their role, candidates can build rapport and gain a deeper understanding of the organization.

Lockhart’s simple yet effective approach serves as a valuable tool for navigating the competitive landscape of job interviews and securing coveted positions. So, next time you have an interview, remember to ask the question that could make all the difference: “What does excellence look like in this role?”