How to clear your sinuses in seconds with nothing but your fingers

Blocked sinuses can be a bothersome health issue that affects people of all ages. Whether it’s due to allergies, colds, or changes in the weather, finding relief is essential. While many resort to medication, there’s a drug-free method that can effectively alleviate the pressure caused by blocked sinuses. It’s called Lymphatic Drainage Self Massage, and it’s based on the principles of physics rather than chemistry.

Lymphatic Drainage Self Massage: A Natural Way to Relieve Sinus Pressure

Lymphatic massage is a gentle self-massage technique that has gained popularity for treating conditions like lymphedema. According to the Mayo Clinic, it helps promote the flow of lymph fluid. Since sinus problems often result from fluid build-up, this self-massage can provide significant relief.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

How to Perform Lymphatic Drainage Self Massage

Performing a lymphatic drainage self massage is easy and only takes a few moments of your time. By applying gentle pressure to specific areas of your head, you can find relief from sinus issues. If you’re currently experiencing sinus problems, give this method a try!

However, before you start, it’s crucial to check for any contraindications that may prevent you from performing this self-massage routine. Heather, from her informative blog, outlines signs and symptoms to watch out for. Make sure you’re not showing any of the following contraindications:

  • Fever, acute infection, or early onset inflammatory disease. It’s important to wait until the acute phase is over and the fever has subsided.
  • Circulatory system problems, especially thrombosis. If you’re at risk of embolism or phlebitis, do not use lymphatic drainage self massage and consult your physician immediately.
  • Cardiac issues such as heart disease, acute angina pectoris, or coronary thrombosis (heart attack). Lymphatic drainage self massage increases the fluid load on the heart, and individuals with compromised cardiac systems should avoid it.
  • Active malignant cancers, undiagnosed lumps, or tumors whose origins have not been determined by your physician.
  • Active bleeding, whether internal or external.
  • High-risk or complicated late-term pregnancy.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s essential to consult your doctor before attempting this massage. In fact, we always recommend checking with your doctor before trying any home remedies, just to be safe.

Don’t have any of these symptoms? Have the green light from your doctor? Then let’s learn how to perform this self-massage by watching the video below and finally find relief for your sinuses.