Bug bites are uncomfortable, regardless of the type of bite. However, knowing how to detect different sorts of insect bites might be the difference between life and death for someone with an allergy. Print out this list of ten typical insect bites so you may be prepared in a potentially hazardous circumstance.

1. Mosquito

Don’t you just love it when a mosquito decides to have you for dinner? These tiny vampires can leave either a small circle or a larger, elongated bump, depending on how long they were chowing down on you. Super itchy, and scratching only makes it worse. Fun times!

2. Flea

Flea bites are the overachievers in the bug world—they don’t just bite once. Nope, they leave several marks in the same area. These bites are small, firm, red, and oh-so-irritating. Think of them as nature’s very own connect-the-dots game.

3. Lice

Head lice bites could win the ‘Most Annoying’ award for the places they choose to bite. They target your scalp, back of your neck, and behind your ears. Looks similar to flea bites but way more personal. Lovely, right?

4. Bedbug

If your bites look like a redder, itchier version of mosquito bites arranged in a zig-zag pattern, congratulations, you’ve got bedbugs. Better call an exterminator, because these little hitchhikers are not leaving your home anytime soon on their own.

5. Tick

A tick bite comes with its very own target—a red ring surrounding a dark red or black center. Remove the tick properly with some Vaseline or rubbing alcohol and tweezers. And yes, put it in a container and take it to your doctor’s office to check for diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease. How charming.

6. Wasp

A wasp sting might resemble a mosquito bite initially, but it comes with a more pronounced mark in the middle. Annoying and painful, the area may become red and swollen.

7. Hornet

Ah, hornets. These bad boys deliver a bite that can really put you on edge. They can be as aggressive as they look, and unlike bees, they can sting multiple times. The area around the sting will swell, turn red, and feel like you’ve been tagged with a tiny cattle prod.

8. Bee

Honey bees, the easier-going cousins of hornets and wasps, don’t sting as often but leave their mark—literally. Their stinger remains in your skin, making it easy to identify the source. Use tweezers to remove it, and make sure to sterilize the area. Sweet, right?

9. Red Ant

Red ant or fire ant bites may look like flea bites, but you’ll know the difference because these bites are instantly painful instead of just immediately itchy. Inspect your yard for these fiery little nuisances before you find out the hard way.

10. Spider

Spider bites come in a variety of scary packages, depending on the species. Often, these bites are firm, red, and can be both painful and itchy. In special cases, you’ll notice two small puncture marks. Arachnophobes, this one’s your nightmare scenario.