In November 2022, a Reddit user shared a troubling experience on the “Off My Chest” forum. The anonymous poster revealed their relationship with their fiancé of six years and explained that they had been engaged for eight months. While the poster took charge of most of the wedding planning, their fiancé, Ryan, occasionally offered suggestions.

However, about a month ago, Ryan surprised the poster with an unexpected request. He suggested that they break away from tradition and that the bride should not wear a white wedding dress. The poster initially brushed it off as a creative idea related to the wedding photos or another artistic consideration.

But later, when the woman bought her white wedding dress, it caused a major controversy. Ryan became visibly irritated and insisted on seeing the dress, which the poster refused, wanting to keep it as a surprise. Ryan’s reaction was explosive when he learned the dress was white. He revealed a shocking belief: brides should only wear white if they are “pure.”

Ryan’s reasoning stemmed from their past. When they first met, the poster was 21 and had one previous partner, while Ryan was a virgin. Although they had moved past their initial insecurities, Ryan was fixated on the idea that the bride’s dress color would symbolize her purity. Even his own mother, who was no longer married and suggested he wear red since he was not a virgin, couldn’t change his perspective.

In the aftermath of the argument, the poster felt disgusted by Ryan’s actions. This incident raised serious doubts about their future together. Ryan’s fixation on the poster’s past and loss of virginity at 18, long before they even met, weighed heavily on her.

Seeking support and understanding, the poster turned to online forums to vent her frustrations. In a later update, she revealed that she had ended the engagement and was preparing for her first date in six years. Commenters suggested she wear red to her date, considering the recent ordeal.

What are your thoughts on the poster’s decision to end the engagement? Share your opinion and read another story about a man wanting to check his fiancée’s hymen with his family present to ensure her purity.