Have you ever encountered a lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula)? If so, don’t hesitate – get rid of it immediately! These insects, originally from China, made their way to the U.S. and were first detected in Pennsylvania back in 2014. Since then, they have wreaked havoc on our plants and environment, causing significant damage.

Lanternflies have a voracious appetite for plant sap, which weakens the plants and leaves behind sticky honeydew that attracts harmful sooty mold. They are not hard to spot. Adult lanternflies are about an inch long, with gray wings adorned with black spots and striking red and black underwings. The nymphs, on the other hand, start off black with white spots and turn red before maturing into adults. Equipped with needle-like mouths, they pierce plants and extract sap, ultimately weakening the plant.

To combat the lanternfly menace, it is strongly recommended to eradicate them. You can squash both the adults and nymphs. Additionally, it is crucial to destroy their egg masses, which resemble gray mud smears. Simply scrape them into a bag containing alcohol or hand sanitizer to ensure the eggs are killed.

Taking action against lanternflies is of utmost importance to safeguard our precious plants and environment. The damage they inflict on our ecosystems cannot be overlooked, so if you ever come across one, remember the havoc they can cause and do your part to maintain the health of our ecosystems.