We humans love to debate, don’t we? We can argue about almost anything, and it seems like there’s no end to these debates. One debate that has been going on for ages is whether you should wash chicken before cooking it.

So, what do most of us do? We wash the chicken without giving it much thought. It’s just something we believe is the right thing to do. But there are some people who strongly believe otherwise.

Recently, a post on a Facebook page sparked a heated discussion about whether poultry should be washed before cooking. It all started when someone shared a TikTok video of a woman who cooked chicken without washing it. The comments section went wild, with people criticizing her for not washing the chicken.

This raises an important question: Do you wash your chicken? And why? It’s interesting to hear different opinions on this matter.

Some people chimed in to say that they’ve never washed any meat or poultry before cooking it, and they’ve never gotten sick. They believe that as long as you cook the chicken thoroughly and practice good hygiene by washing your hands and anything that comes into contact with the bird, you’re good to go.

On the other hand, there were those who strongly believe in washing their chicken. They were taught to do so and feel that it’s the right choice for them.

But here’s an eye-opener: According to the Food Standards Agency, you shouldn’t wash your chicken. Surprising, isn’t it? Turns out, washing the meat doesn’t kill bacteria; it actually spreads it around the kitchen and contaminates nearby areas.

So, next time you’re prepping chicken for a delicious meal, think twice before reaching for that water tap. Remember, proper cooking and good hygiene practices are what you need to keep yourself safe from any potential bacteria.

Now that you know, it’s up to you to decide what’s best for your chicken cooking routine.